Saturday 19 June 2010

The Summer Tea Treat

Every year our village, has a summer T treat, the children from the local school, get all dressed up and walk around the village, in the colorful parade with a brass band playing, some people were dressed as clowns and one was dressed in a bear suit. some children were wearing martial arts clothing. and other colorful clothing. and a man was walking on stilts all dressed up. they also make giant paper animals, to walk around the village with. it's great to watch the parade and listening to the band playing. up in the school field they have stall's selling cake's and other item's and also game's for the children to play. they have raffle stall's, and stall's selling toy's. the children and the oap's get a free T treat bun at the local school. i was hoping to get some photo's today of the event, but unfortunately my dog escaped from the garden, and i had to go and find him. oh well, i guess there's always next year hay!. xx

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